What are we studying?

  • When are you offering Session 1 again?
  • What are we studying this week? What did I miss last week?
  • Do I have to learn zills?
  • When can I advance to Level 2?

Good news! I have the answers to these and other questions!

When are you offering Session 1 again?

Actually, the Session number only refers to a set of classes that covers everything in the Level Syllabus. Session 1 will start with week one and go through all the weeks. Session 2 starts at week one again and repeats the moves. 

What are we studying this week? What did I miss last week?

By looking at this grid, you’ll see which moves are the key focus for each week. But you will still integrate various moves nearly every week. For example, in week two we will focus on the Choo-Choo during the fast music section. However, since it is in the Pivot Bump family, you will be certain to work on all sorts of Pivot Bump techniques. And because you will need to know how to start from another move and transition into a different move, all the Level 1 fast moves will be part of your experience.

Do I have to learn Zills?

Certainly no one can make you learn anything. [Insert big grin here] But Zills (or finger cymbals) are not required in class until at least week three. It is requested that you do your best to try. Remember: My first rule in class is still “No Pressure, No Shame.” So let that be an encouragement to you. And my hope is to make the experience both fun and structured in a way to build your skills for your best success.

When can I advance to Level 2?

The minimum requirement for Level 2 is that you can (a) dance all the Level 1 moves, (b) you can zill through the Level 1 fast moves and wear your zills but not play during the slow moves, and (c) you can lead all the Level 1 moves. (Level 1+ is optional, and it’s okay if you never studied Level 1+. All those moves will be additionally focused on in Level 2.)

The other key to studying Level 2 is simply having enough students to launch an additional class. With a minimum of 4 students, a new Level 2 course can be added to the schedule. If there are fewer than 4 but someone wants to do independent study, we can talk about private or semi-private lessons for fewer than 4 students.