About Cat Ellen and CaySwann Dance
Cat Ellen is a FatChanceBellyDance® Sister Studio, an American Tribal Style® (ATS®) bellydance certified instructor. CaySwann Dance is her virtual studio for instruction and performance.
Cat’s primary goal is to bring a fun and personally fulfilling bellydance experience to as many people as possible, both fellow dancers and audience members. As a group, improvisational dance form, ATS® can be the most elaborate game of follow-the-leader you have ever experienced. But beyond the dance vocabulary of movement, formations, cues, and flow, Cat hopes to empower dancers to embrace movement without shame, fitness for all sizes, and the joy and beauty in the community we build in which our job is to make everyone look good.

Cat Ellen
How Can You Take Classes?
Classes are offered in two cities right now.
- Sundays in North Hollywood, CA – Level One (2-3 PM) and Level Two (1-2 PM). Session 5 runs September-November.
- Tuesdays in Oxnard, CA – Level One (8-9 PM) and Advanced Level Three (7-8 PM). Session 5 runs September-November.
Check out Class details in Instruction. Or Contact Cat about making Private Lesson arrangements.
How Much is Class?
Tuition options range between $10-15 per class. Check out the various ways to purchase your class tuition.
Register Now
- You can RSVP on Facebook or on Meetup
- You can email Cat Ellen at cayswann@gmail.com to reserve your spot
What Do I Wear to Class?
Check out Class details in Instruction.
When Does the Next Session Start?
Sundays in North Hollywood, CA
Madilyn Clark Studios, 10852 Burbank Blvd, North Hollywood, CA 91601
ATS® Dance Fundamentals (Level 1 and 1+) from 2-3 PM
ATS® Tribal Combinations (Level 2 and 2+) from 1-2 PM (Instructor approval needed for Level 2)
- INTRO to ATS® Class 2-3 PM Sunday, September 15 (Studio C)
- 2019 Session 5 (Sep-Nov): 7-week session runs Sep 22, Sep 29, Oct 6, (no class Oct 13), Oct 20, Oct 27, Nov 3, Nov 10. Open Hafla Dance Party Nov 17.
- Classes vary studio reservations
- Level 1 (2 PM) = All classes in Studio C. Open Hafla in Studio B.
- Level 2 (1 PM) = Sep 15 in C. Sep 22-Nov 3 in D. Nov 10 in C. Open Hafla in Studio B.
Tuesdays in Oxnard, CA
Club NEMA Bellydance, 108 E 5th Street, Oxnard CA, 93030 (just off Oxnard Blvd)
ATS® Dance Fundamentals (Level 1 and 1+) from 8-9 PM
Advanced ATS® Drills and Improv (Level 3) from 7-8 PM (Instructor approval needed for Level 3)
- INTRO to ATS® Class 8-9 PM Tuesday, September 17
- 2019 Session 5: 7-week session runs Sep 24, Oct 1, (no class Oct 8), Oct 15, Oct 22, Oct 29, Nov 5, and Nov 12.
- Open Hafla Dance Party Tuesday, Nov 19, 7:30-8:30 PM – Any ATS Dancer invited!
Check out Class details in Instruction.
Cat’s ATS History
Cat first found ATS in 2010 in Los Angeles. Enrolling first in one, then two, then as many classes as she could per week, Cat threw herself into learning ATS as quickly as possible. That first fateful class, she had only two thoughts the entire hour: “I have to teach this some day” and “When do I get to put my arms down?”
After several years studying and two years performing in a student troupe, Cat branched out on her own to pursue certification from Carolena Nericcio, the founder of FatChanceBellyDance®.
Cat earned her General Skills certifications in April 2013 and her Teacher Training in October 2014. She is a fully recognized FatChanceBellyDance® Sister Studio and ATS® Certified Instructor, and has been SSCE Re-Certified in August 2018.
Personal Philosophy
There are two key philosophies that Cat brings to her instruction. The first concept is “No Pressure, No Shame.” One reason she loves ATS so much is that it can be extremely inclusive of all ages, shapes, sizes, and abilities. Secondly, each of us has “This Body on This Day.” If you need to miss a class, that’s okay. There’s no shame in that. Perhaps your car broke down, or you got stuck in traffic, or you caught a cold, or a loved one needs you. No Shame. And there’s no point in stressing out that you no longer have the body of your youth, or you’re recovering from surgery, or you are battling exhaustion or other ailments. You have this body on this day, so what do you plan to do with your body? If you come to class, you’ll be encouraged to move within the best abilities of your body on this day. And hopefully you can have fun while doing so.
How Can I See More?
About the Trademarks
FatChanceBellyDance®, FCBD®, ATS® and American Tribal Style®, are federally registered trademarks of FatChanceBellyDance, Inc. For more information, please visit fcbd.com/about/legal-policy/.